“A One Stop Life, Health, and Annuity Resource.”
For 30 years, Paperclip has revolutionized the ability to efficiently capture, process and manage the most sensitive business content. Each solution employs a revolutionary “straight-through processing” model that decreases cost and time by an order of magnitude, while maintaining the highest levels of security and compliance.
VCF is a true cloud-born content management service, allowing clients of all sizes the ability to store documents in their original digital format, while offering a host of workflow and compliance advantages.
Designed as the digital equivalent to FedEx, Internet eXpress provides rapid, trackable delivery of digital documents with unprecedented scalability and security options.
Make secure e-mail encryption simple and affordable with a breakthrough solution that meets the strictest financial services, healthcare and government compliance.
Unlock the raw power of machine learning and secure crowd sourcing to capture data at a level of accuracy and ease never before possible, via an innovative technology platform that’s fully scalable and surprisingly affordable.
A set of applications that automate the collection of electronic documents and EDIs for secure transmission to a document management solution, EDI application, or both, for further processing.