“A One Stop Life, Health, and Annuity Resource.”

Mojo - Paperclip

Mojo - Paperclip

Image Insurance Applications

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Documents and images hold precious information to an organization. The key is how to accurately transcribe and interpret them. Leveraging our decades of document technology expertise, Paperclip created a cloud-based service that finally makes Big Data processing affordable and practical. It’s called Mojo.



Mojo uniquely combines machine learning and crowdsourced human intelligence to transcribe, translate and interpret data with greater accuracy and speed than ever before.

On the technology side, our experience in document imaging led us to create a Deep Learning Neural Network with machine and handwriting recognition levels beyond industry benchmarks. The results are then analyzed by humans when a technology-generated conversion score is less than acceptable.

Since its launch in 2014 Mojo, a patented technology, has provided clients from a diverse array of business fields a competitive advantage unlike any other. Currently, Mojo achieves a 99.9% accuracy rate through machine learning, predictive analytics and human verification on questionable results. And Mojo becomes ever more intelligent with each project it handles.



Mojo is built on four pillars that work in harmony to deliver maximum value and separate it from any other type of Big Data solution:

1. Security. The Shredded Data model removes context, eliminating NPI or PHI enabling Mojo to present data for verification in a way that is impossible for outsiders to steal. It also requires no exposure of a client’s databases or infrastructure.

2. Accuracy. The powerful combination of Machine Learning and multiple layers of human validation deploys a Six Sigma quality standard of 4 defects per million, or 99.9% accuracy.

3. Speed. Mojo utilizes Azure’s service fabric platform to gain on-demand scaling capabilities, and achieve turnaround times impossible before the advent of advanced cloud computing.

4. Economics. Mojo eliminates the need for facilities, human resources, security, training and more, delivering high-speed processing services for no capital outlay.

For clients on a rapid timetable, Mojo is a uniquely preferred choice due to its ability to scale on demand and prioritize time sensitive information. All clients can follow Mojo’s progress via a live web portal, and receive alerts when various processing conditions arise.

For More Information Complete & Submit the Form Below or Call 1-402-740-7356

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