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PSG - eValuate

PSG - eValuate

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Calculate quote class with confidence

Improving Risk Selection is a goal of all insurers and agencies. eValuate (eV) supports carrier-specific underwriting rules including multiple impairments, co-morbidities, debits and credits, temporary flat extras and other ‘secret-sauce’. It provides Agency workflow and the ability to review and quote multiple Carriers, including specific automated underwriting guidelines and impairment parameters!

Improve the quality of applications

Through use of reflexive questioning that supports co-morbid conditions, eValuate guides agents in real-time to ask the right questions, ensuring all relevant applicant information is captured. By doing so, it improves the quality of applications submitted so your underwriters can focus on the cases you want them to.

Single and multi-carrier

eValuate comes in single and multi-carrier versions, helping improve risk selection regardless of distribution channel.

eValuate can:

  • Support agent/agency and consumer processing

  • Reduce cycle-time

  • Increase placement ratio

  • Improve staff productivity

  • Enhance customer experience

eValuate supports:

  • Multiple Impairments

  • Co-Morbid Conditions

  • Carrier Specific Controlled Rules

  • Proprietary Underwriting Guidelines

eValuate delivers:

The Medix App is a personal, holistic, one-stop medical command center that puts patients at the helm of their unique health journeys.

Reduced underwriting and administrative cost Greatly reduces the number of quick quotes and informal submissions Real-time results as data is entered

Ensure your applications have the best chance of turning into placed policies!  Watch this video to learn more. eValuate is a Service Mark of the Paperless Solutions Group

Latest Updates

PSG is constantly reviewing and updating all Carriers’ Field Guides on eValuate to keep
them current with published guidelines on items such as build charts, health questions
and various other published impairments.

Reduced underwriting and administrative cost Greatly reduces the number of quick quotes and informal submissions Real-time results as data is entered

Rules and general updates

PSG updated marijuana rules, allowing users to differentiate offers based on vaped,
smoked, ingested methods, and frequency of use.

  • Based on feedback from our advisory board, several medical questions were tweaked for increased clarity.
  • Build chart has been updated for Protective as per updates they published.
  • A calculator to factor intentional weight loss in the last 12 months was added to fine-tune build ratings.
  • Testing of new sleep apnea prompts and rules is underway.
  • Tobacco rules will be revamped in the coming weeks to include additional rules forcigar and e-cigarette use.

PSG is constantly reviewing and updating all Carriers’ Field Guides on eValuate to keep
them current with published guidelines on items such as build charts, health questions
and various other published impairments.

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