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EP Underwriting

EP Underwriting

EP Underwriting System

EP Underwriting System Toolbox

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• APS Summary & Quick Quote – Summary of the summary to meet carrier QQ guidelines. One to two-day turnaround time.

• Traditional APS Retrieval – 90% secured in < 10 business days.

• Accelerated Informals – On-demand access to the tools traditionally reserved for insurance companies. Rich medical data obtained and assessed by data technology and EP’s medical team, delivering an underwritable package, often within 24 hours.

• Shop Rated Cases – Most secured in < 10 business days.

• US-Based Underwriting Consulting – US-based, multi-carrier and BGA experienced underwriters, armed with reinsurance manuals, available for case consultation and assessments.

• Risk Identifier (RiskID) –  Prescription Drugs Database + Physician Ordered Labs Database tied together with an Underwriting Risk Score – delivered in minutes.

• Electronic Health Records Retrieval – Most secured in < 1 business day.


• Life Expectancy Determination – Underwriter assessed projection of client estimated mortality in terms of  percent and/or estimated years to live.

Accelerated Informals

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Reduce weeks of the standard informal underwriting process to 1 day with results you can count on!

• Reign in informal underwriting costs and gain on-demand access to underwriting tools traditionally reserved for insurance companies.

• EP Underwriters will access and assess rich medical data that includes prescription and clinical lab history.

• You’ll be provided with a professional risk summary to help you quickly shop your opportunity.

• Obtain medical records.

• Summarize the medical records and other mortality data and summarize the summary for quick-quote submission – next, or the following business morning turnaround.

• Send the Quick–Quote to secure tentative offers – 2 business days to receive and present findings.

• If the proposed insured has multiple impairments, submit full summary to confirm tentative offers – 2 business days to lock down offer.

• EP Underwriter will assess the case and provide advice on rate class as it medically stands, what could potentially make the offer better (if anything), and which carriers to target based on specific carrier underwriting strengths. (optional)

• Formal submission – Prepare and submit formal paperwork. (optional)


• Manage the case until issued and placed. (optional)

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